Well, here are some pics, mostly of Riley of course.
Santa Cutie!!!
The exciting happenings of the
Colorado-Utah-Virginia Millers!
Well, here are some pics, mostly of Riley of course.
Santa Cutie!!!
Posted by Matt at 7:35 PM 3 comments
Things are much quieter since you all left after Christmas. Here's just a few sights from Loveland you might enjoy. I'm just slow in getting them posted.
The Kid's Castle is now gone, but here's how it looked on New Years Day.
A little frost on an old cobweb on the front porch.
The Castle in its final decay... but what's that fuzzy thing?????
A better view of what I actually saw walking around the deck and enjoying the Kids Castle.
Posted by Doug at 9:25 AM 2 comments
Okay, so the below post has got to seem kinda creepy to Mr. Jake. I mean why wouldn't it? If your picture went solo on some family blog belonging to a family that you've never met, wouldn't that just make you feel funny? It's Okay Carrie, in order to fix your mishap and ensure Jake feels better about his debut on this blog, I've corrected the picture for ya'll!! Enjoy!!
Posted by noremac40 at 9:18 PM 4 comments
Well, I'm one of those that doesn't post here very often, but I feel I have a good excuse in that if you want to see what we're up to - just go to our blog! I posted several pictures from Christmas week there if you haven't seen them yet. I also plan on uploading all of the pictures I took once we get moved into our house and have a good Internet connection (the connection we have now is sufficient for just the basics and requires a lot of patience). So until then, hope ya'll are doing well and enjoying the new year!
Posted by Darcey at 1:32 PM 1 comments
Hi all. I do appreciate posts when they show up, and I know we are all busy with so much stuff, but this will die if we don't get stuff up. Many of us are rather slow (or non-existant) I'm sorry to say, so you bloggers out there, let's get something up! I'm sure you all have some Christmas photos or stories to post.
Update on me: I'm working full time again till the end of the year, and not liking it :( It's a tough class (2nd grade) and though I've done it before, it's a lot of work. Got parent-teacher conferences coming up (not bad except I don't get home before 9:00), report cards, testing, and on and on. Even at home, it's always on my mind. So I need some help: Any suggestions out there on how to "let it go"? Seeing what you are all doing helps! So please post. :)
Posted by Marti at 8:05 AM 1 comments