Well, it looks like everyone is updating the blog and what's going on in each of our lives, so here's our few cents worth.
Christy is doing well. She has gone down to working only 2 days a week making it a lot easier to care for Riley. Riley seems to take much of her time, but she's still able to do many things that she enjoys. She' been asked to make another wedding cake, and she accepted. (Christy's first wedding cake, besides the one for our wedding)

Riley is growing like a Miller. He had his 4 month check up earlier last week and he weighed in at 16lbs 2 oz and his length was 26 in which puts him in the 75% for weight and 80% for length. We've been having a blast as he's learning to imitate us as we make funny noises at him. He really is the sweet heart and very friendly with everyone.
I'm back in school, so it's back to full time work and almost full time school. I went back to Aims were I got my A.A. cause they finally got the ATC program I've been waiting for and it turns out to be much better than Metro state where I was going last year. So far it's been a good semester, and I can't wait to start fall semester when I get to do 18 credits of just simulators (9 for Non-radar sim and 9 for radar sim) So I decided to get a jump start and start memorizing the chart for fall classes (the chart below is what I have to memorize, it's rather easy compared to what I will when I get to Denver Center).
Well, here are some pics, mostly of Riley of course.
Sweet Shades!!!!
Santa Cutie!!!
Christmas Morning!!!
Right after his blessing, what a happy baby!!!
Another happy baby playing with his daddy!
Diaper Baby!! Getting ready for bath time!!!
Cute Pics, glad to see you are teaching Ned to be like his Super Uncle!! When you comming to Oklahoma??
Love all the pics, thanks for sharing!
Super tute baby!
Love you guys!
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