Something I always wanted to do to say "I did it" finally came to fruition this weekend! I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane at 11,500 feet, reaching terminal velocity at 134 mph headed straight to the earth!! Upon exiting the airplane I did 2 or 3 front flips and then into the free fall position doing a couple of 360 spins. At about 5000 feet AGL (Above Ground Level for you non-aviators) the parachute was deployed and I floated ever so gracefully back to earth. After practicing a few step turns of course and hitting a 3 point landing. Have a video that will be sent to me soon, Hope to post it here but for now, enjoy the pics!

Oh my, what have I done??
Ohhh yeah Supercam!
Question: Did you not have to jump tandem?? I thought first-timers always had to, but mayhaps I was wrong. Sah-weet!
I beat you though. I dropped to the ground at 148mph freefall. Yeeeoooww! :)
I am glad you landed safely, says mom. Hurray for you!
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