Well, today at church I went in to priesthood and sat next to my home teacher, an older man, big into outdoor activities. As I sat down he asked me if I had heard about the air traffi
c control thing in the paper. Well, my ears perked up a bit since I don't get the paper here. So I said that I did not see anything about any atc stuff. well he said he read yesterday in the paper that a school here in CO received the FAA approval to carry the program. I asked what school it was hoping that it might be the school I'm attending and that it might have been announced at the aviation open house they had yesterday, however he thought it was a school in Denver. Well, all through out Elder's quorum I could hardly pay attention to the lesson thinking what school had received the program. Well we raced home afterwards and looked it up on line. Sure enough, Metro state college in Denver Finally got the program, only two years after we heard they were trying to get it and had moved back. well I need to find out more and transfer over, but it seems like there might be a little at the end of this seemingly long tunnel.

sorry! The post I deleted wasn't appropriate for anyone to read. I'm just kidding, I'm still learning how to work this. Anyways, I'm hapyy for ya Matt. I hope it works out. By the way, I'm not afraid of flying, I'm afraid of CRASHING. (Isn't that supposed to say, "Denver Air-Traffic Controller School?") j/K :0)
Hip, hip, HOORAY!!! Yipee!!! And all of that. Just in time, too.
well here in Denver we're smart and don't let airplanes crash so that's way it is a swiss school and not a denver school in the cartoon
i am learning in school
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