Maybe that machine was broken, right Cameron?
After all, it said I was clammy... as IF!
The exciting happenings of the
Colorado-Utah-Virginia Millers!
Maybe that machine was broken, right Cameron?
After all, it said I was clammy... as IF!
Posted by Darcey at 10:24 PM 1 comments
No, I am NOT talking about that cream that comes in a little tube. I am talking about Operation Preparation Honolulu 2007!
For the last several months, day after day, I have dragged myself out of bed, run alongside cars driving at high speeds, risked rolling a few ankles late at night on the dark roads where dead toads and fruit lie, waiting to take me down at their expense, and running around this island exploring beaches and jungles all for this one day. All those miles logged, all those days I came home dripping wet from the sweat and humidity (or sometimes dripping wet from getting caught in a tropical rainstorm...) were all in preparation for the big Kahuna...the 26.2 miler!
Two weeks from this day, I will have (hopefully!) completed my third marathon. Even as I write about it now, I feel the butterflies frantically fluttering around in my stomach. Did I train enough? Did I train WELL enough? Am I going to finish? Will I get hurt? Or will I do better than the last two races? I guess I won't know until that day comes, when I will have to wake up at 3am to be at the bus station before 4am, to reach the starting line when at 5am Hawaii time, the gun will go off. And for the next four + hours, I will be pushing myself to keep going, one step at a time.
My friend and roommate Sherry will be going with me...Kim and I have had some differences and so it will be good to have someone there who is supportive of me and of my efforts. We will fly into Honolulu on Saturday, December 8th and stay with our friends who work at the Del Sol store in Waikiki. I am very excited to have this opportunity to do this race...as nervous as I am I am grateful I get to participate and I want to thank Mom and Dad for supporting me and giving this to me as my Christmas gift. I want to thank the rest of you for always cheering me on...even when you tell me you think I'm crazy, I take that as a compliment. :)
So...two weeks and counting! Here are a few pics of my last two races...looking forward to adding on another one! If I remember right, I was cruising around the website for the marathon and it said on race day, you can track the time of any runner from their website: http://www.honolulumarathon.com/. Not sure where the link is...but all you have to do is type in my name and it'll update my current time, I think. :) Aloha, and mahalo for all your love and support! Miss you all lots and lots!
Towards the end of the Top of Utah Marathon. September 17, 2005.
Posted by Carrie at 8:00 PM 6 comments
Posted by noremac40 at 6:37 PM 3 comments
hi it is me dallin.h.oaks i mean dallin.r.miller like the cheese it cracker box it was sure nummy . it would be grate with real cream .
Posted by Anonymous at 3:51 PM 2 comments
Posted by Darcey at 8:44 PM 2 comments
That last post was written by dad, not by me. Although I certainly didn't stop him from doing so. :)
Posted by Darcey at 8:42 PM 1 comments
We were sitting around waiting for Matthew to show up so we could head on down to Casa Bonita before dumping Cammy off at DIA. Darcey was playing the piano (beautifully) and Cameron was perusing one of our old photo albums. He came across a couple of pics and thought they belonged on the blog. Anybody know where this is? Circa 1993! Enjoy - especially Dallin, Emma & Logan!!!
Posted by Darcey at 2:24 PM 4 comments
Posted by Matt at 1:21 PM 2 comments
Posted by Darcey at 5:08 PM 2 comments
I'm not sure any of you realize I have an entire other blog, or else you opt to never comment. I would write on here more often, but it seems kinda dumb to post the same thing twice!
So yeah! There ya go!
Posted by Darcey at 7:35 PM 1 comments
When we were taking are pictures taken (i think the store was wall greens or target)here are some pictures. one looks like we are a train and looks like we are sitting together and Logan was not happy he got a little scared but he got use to it
Posted by Anonymous at 2:53 PM 4 comments
This is probably more for Dallin and Logan, but maybe everyone will enjoy the pics.
We had been waitng for over 4 months on promises from the builder to fix our driveway.... it finally happened a few weeks ago.
And one last landscape job complete:
Posted by Doug at 9:42 AM 3 comments
Posted by noremac40 at 12:44 PM 5 comments
OK, I know people think that I am a fat pig. That is OK. I have been called worse, I think, at other times in life. But to hear it from my own family. Now that hurts. 60% of respondents to my blog poll think that I am a fat pig and will remain so, while 40% think that I will actually hit my goals.
I appreciate those who both are honest and encouraging. What more could a brother ask for? The best of both worlds.
Well, I have put another poll on my blog, encouraging you to guess my weight loss for the month of November. Remember, be nice.
Posted by FRED aka Nathan at 9:43 PM 6 comments
This is mostly directed towards Natch...since we all for whatever reason can't post comments on his blog. Maybe you should look into fixing that, eh Fred?
So yesterday was my long training run - I had to break it into two parts because I have to take Kim in to work in the middle of the day and I woke up late. So I ran my first 13 miles and then took her to work, swam at the pool for a bit, did some resistance training, and then later that evening I ran another six miles (it was supposed to be seven for an even 20, but the roads are super dark out here at night when the moon isn't out and there's always fruit that has fallen on the ground that you can trip on...and dead toads...not safe....)
Well, the week before moving to Kaua'i when I was going through my clothes deciding which items were necessary (I honestly wish I brought more than one sweatshirt - it actually does get chilly here!) I had picked up a pair of jeans I bought awhile ago. They were a pair of super cute designer jeans I got for a super good deal - but the catch with these designer jeans is that they tend to run smaller than the average sizes. They had been just a teeny bit snug when I bought them, but it was incentive for me to get myself to the gym and on that treadmill. As I sat there contemplating on taking them with me, I knew already that they still were snug, and I didn't have to try them on at that moment to know this. In fact, I avoided putting those things on cause the harsh reality would sting a little too much. :)
I decided to pack them up in my suitcase, because my goal was to be able to wear them comfortably by the time I returned to the mainland. I knew that if I was running and training for Honolulu, I should be able to reach my goal by January. But last night I was feeling bold, and I decided that I've been measuring too much of my progress by the scale rather than other factors. So I opened the drawer...pulled those skinny jeans out from hiding underneath all my other jeans and shorts...took a deep breath and closed my eyes...pulled them on...and guess what?? They fit! And they weren't snug like they used to be!
If I can do it, then you can do it. I've decided that I'm not eating sugar from now until after the race, just like you have decided to cut it out. If you plan ahead the things you are going to eat, you have a better chance of sticking to your plan. Don't stress out on the days you miss a workout - it happens. I have more days than I'd like when I choose to sit around rather than run, but don't let one day make you feel disheartened because you can always pick up right where you left off the next day. If you have time and you know you should but you're just too tired, try this: Make yourself workout for 10-15 minutes. If you still feel tired and sluggish after that, then you can quit for the day. But nine times out of ten, it'll get your energy levels back up and the endorphins flowing and you'll want to finish your workout in it's entirety.
So...if you happen to have some clothes from back when you were a few pounds lighter, pull them out and keep them around to keep you motivated. And if you don't, maybe you should go buy a pair of pants or a shirt you like and would like to wear in the near future. It worked for me!
Keep up the good work...it's not easy, but it's worth it!
Posted by Carrie at 8:25 PM 2 comments
FRED--Since I can't comment on your BLOG, here is a comment I was gonna leave you--Peace!
If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. Go see my "212 Degree" post on Miller Time and decide within yourself, do you have the ability to get to that spot in life where you no longer are doing what you've always done. On this one trust me, until I completely gave up my old eating style--EVERY part of it for 6 full days a week (one day off to enjoy Cinnamon Rolls, Ribs, Cheese Burgers, Pizza etc.), I NEVER made the changes I was looking for. You can do it--it just takes complete dedication and willingness to say no to the things that you know your body doesn't really need. Also, look for some mail the end of this week, I sent you something today, a book and a video, that I know will change your body by changing your mind. Follow it and you will achieve your goal in about 1/3 the time you've set forth--yeah that's right in only 4 months you can accomplish your goal (now I sound like an infomercial). I hope that this and the book will help and that this doesn't seem to "Big Brother-ish" Peace OUT FRED--you BIG LOSER! :)
Posted by noremac40 at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Posted by Matt at 10:47 PM 5 comments
Since moving to Arizona, I've noticed a few critters here that you don't see much of in Colorado or Utah... some good, some bad. It's fun walking down the sidewalk and seeing a little lizard climb up a palm tree trunk or seeing a toad the size of a cantaloupe in a marshy area of desert. I've even seen a rattlesnake and as you all probably know, a scorpion! Thankfully, the rattlesnake was not in my apartment.But on my way to church this morning, I saw - for the very first time in my life I believe - a real live roadrunner! And wouldn't you know it - he was literally running across the road, right in front of cars in all four lanes. No worries, though, he was as fast as the cars themselves! Meep meep!
Posted by Darcey at 10:19 PM 4 comments
Posted by Anonymous at 7:20 PM 5 comments
Posted by Darcey at 5:57 PM 3 comments
Posted by spiffytiffy at 9:06 AM 8 comments