As my first post, here is an update of the Utah Miller clan. I will have editorials later, no doubt.
Tiffany likes to be pregnant.
Dallin loves to make out with the girls.
Emma likes mom to be pregnant
Logan turned two (at the age of two and half). He is now known as Little
Since it would seem that Matthew and Christy don't want to do their part in populating this earth ;), Tiffany and I figured we would pitch in, one more time. So, as an April fools joke-in-infancy, we are now expecting number four on April 1st of 2008. For those who may wish to say "oops" or "what are they thinking", let me put your fears to rest as this was planned. For better or for worse, we will have a category 4 hurricane in our home at all times. If you plan to visit, let us know way in advance so we can clean things up before you get here.

Dallin, as expected, has stolen the girls hearts at school. The teacher sent home a note the other day (for all students, not just Dallin), that asked parents to talk about proper signs of affection at school. Apparently some of the first graders have been kissing each other. Come to find out, one of the girls that Dallin has a crush on kissed him on the cheek. Or so the story goes. For as many girls that he is acquainted with, we start to wonder if it isn't him putting on the moves on them. I thought this wasn't supposed to start for a few more years, um, like ten more years at least!!
Emma is our little announcer. We opted to let the kids in on our secret that Tiffany was pregnant and asked them to not tell anybody. The next Sunday during primary, she shouts to her teacher, who was sitting on the other side of the room, "I am having a baby!! And it is a girl because Dallin says it will complete the pattern!" (Dallin says the family is a boy, girl, boy, girl, pattern and will continue that way. Ahhh, the bonus of having an obsessive compulsive boy in the home:) ). Well, I guess it allowed Tiffany to get through the awkward stage of telling people she is pregnant and not getting, well, you know. Next time we want to tell the world something, we will just tell Emma a little secret.

Logan decided to turn terrible halfway to the age of three. We were so hoping that we would pass it all together and that we would have the terrific three year old that we have learned to enjoy. But, as it always does, physiology wouldn't allow it and this sweet little tyke learned a simple little phrase and the attitude to go with it. Any question now comes with the simple response, "Nope". Usually there is no attitude with that response. He simply states it as fact and goes on with whatever he is doing. For proof that he knows what he is saying;
"Logan, are you cute?" "Nope" "Logan, does mommy love you?" "Nope." "Logan, Do you want to go to bed?" "Nope." "Logan, do you want some ice cream?" "Yeah, Ice Cream!!!!!!"
Of course, with the phrase "Nope." comes the adventure as well. All
to often we have left him alone for a few minutes and before you know it, moms makeup is all gone, or a chair is out and his has the pantry doors open looking for morsels of food (like father, like son!!). We can't leave out the blood curling screams Dallin or Emma have had, running to Mom or Dad, yelling "MOM DAD, LOGAN HAS A KNIFE"

Ah, the fun of being a parent.
(Just a couple of Old pics for fun. Carrie and Emma at Logan's Blessing party. Little Logan, about 4 months old. Dallin and Papa at Carries first Marrathon. Emma in her blessing dress)
Hmm.. I thought I left a comment but it's gone now.
I suspected foul play when you were joking about babies about a month ago on the phone! You tease!
Man... some people get to have all the fun!
P.S. I think that pic with Carrie and Emma was taken at Matthew's wedding reception. I'm pretty sure of it.
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