Arn't they the cutest. Abigail's "I woob YOU" is the best!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Makin Valentines
Posted by noremac40 at 10:31 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
ATC for you Aviation gurus
Here's a little video that shows a bit of ATC and what I get to look forward to. So far it is the best ATC video that I've found, since there's not much out there. I don't know why just watching it makes me more excited to get going with it, so hopefully I get that long over due call soon (though they say the earliest I'll hear would be September)
Posted by Matt at 8:57 AM 8 comments
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Back in the arms of Daddy!
On our drive back south, Savannah kept asking if we were going to go on an airplane, little did I know it was going to be the first of about 200 inquisitions from both girls for the day. It’s nice to know they like to fly and look forward to it, unfortunately we are keeping our feet on the ground this weekend.
We found a BK for lunch and that is where the girls were both very talkative, Abigail just went on and on about anything and everything while Savannah ensured we shared the same personal space asking "we goin to your house in Ok-A-Homa?"
Once we got settled at Carrie’s we sat down to write out our Valentines.
As if the party couldn’t get any better, Aunt Carrie came home from work and her place was transformed into “Club Carrie.” Enjoy the picks from our adventure….

Posted by noremac40 at 8:03 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Great Peach Adventure
If there was a "Biggest Blog-Slacker" contest, we'd win! We've loved reading everyone's updates since Christmas. It was so good to catch up with everyone in Colorado, and we hope the opportunity presents itself again soon, but 'til then, keep the updates rolling, and we'll, uh, try. :0)
Since we are the "Biggest Blog-Slacker" champions (where's our million bucks) we thought we would at least share our latest adventure here in Syracuse.
Meet Peach and Chewie.
Aren't they cute! They are the gerbils that Santa promised Emma would be waiting for her at the pet store when we arrived home from Colorado. We playfully like to call them, Emma's little sisters. Chewie is the one on the right. She's gentle, and is as level headed as a gerbil can be. Peach, the other gerbil - the one with the shifty eyes, and the mischievious look - she's our little escape artist. (I think she's planning her next escape as we speak.)
Last night, as Nathan was preparing to go to bed, he looked down and thought he saw a tail sticking out from behind the toilet in the bathroom. Knowing of her wander-lust tendancies, he calmly shut the door and stuffed a towel under it, so she couldn't escape the bathroom and came to our bedroom where, I was already asleep. He woke me up to tell me that Peach was loose and to catch her so we could all go to bed and get some needed rest for our busy week ahead.
I crept into the bathroom, careful not to step on the dear, checked around the toilet, in the towel on the floor, but to our chagrin, she was nowhere to be found. We pulled off the cover to the heater vent, and looked under the cabinet sink, but didn't see her.
We thought she could have possibly snuck under the door, so we checked all of her favorite places - the closets, under the beds, in Emma's shoes, but alas, no Peachy. We were both tired, so Nathan built a wall out of mega blocks to block the stairs (I wish I had a picture), we set out some sunflower seeds on the floor, along with the aquarium housing poor lonely little chewie (the good gerbil) and decided to call it a night, but first, just to be safe, Nathan turned off the heat.
We climbed into bed. Nathan fell fast asleep. I sat there and listened. It's interesting, what your mind does, in the night, when you could be attacked by a gerbil any second. I couldn't sleep. I sat there listening, but there wasn't a sound. I decided to get up and go downstairs to the furnace to see if I could hear anything in the vents. I put my ear up to the vent nearest to me and listened.
I even knocked a few times hoping something would knock back. (I figure if she was smart enough to fly the coop, she would be smart enough to communicate somehow.) I knocked, and then I heard a little scritch scratch. I ran upstairs and woke up Nathan.
What do you do at 2:00 AM with a rodent stuck in the furnace? I suggested we call our neighbor, the Heating Contractor, but it was 2:00 AM for goodness sake. On the other hand, gerbils chew everything and we worried that she would electricute herself, and ruin our furnace in the process. No, we had no choice but to take the matter into our own hands. (Like we had any clue what we were doing.) We kept knocking and listening and figured she may have fallen into the Air Conditioner Coil Boxy thingy. We didn't have a socket wrench on hand, so at 3:00 AM Nathan made a quick run to Walmart, and got a socket wrench kit.($12), and removed the screws to the door of the Air Condtioning Coils. We hoped for the best, but expected the worste.
When we peered inside, we saw two little beady eyes looking down at us. She thought twice when I put my hand out for her climb on, but after realizing her predicament, she climbed on, and I carried her back to her cage where the delighted Chewie was waiting. I was grateful, and must admit, that finding her alive and well, was an answer to my prayers, not only for Emma's sake but for Peaches' as well.
We finally got to bed, and I couldn't help thinking of the conversationg going on in the next room:
"What are we going to do tomorrow night Peach?"
"The same thing we do every night Chewie - Try to take over the world!"
We hope you enjoyed our adventure as much as we didn't.
This is what Peach looks like right now.
She's not dead, just sleeping
We figure she climbs on her house and jumps out of the hole without the cap on. ( I haven't a clue what happened to the cap) The house I'm speaking of is not the one pictured and is significantly shorter than this one. Emma covered the hole last night with their other house and a glove.
Posted by spiffytiffy at 2:13 PM 4 comments
Sunday, February 7, 2010
On the Illuminati Trail...
Having made myself comfortable in the rocker-recliner next to him in the TV room, grandpa started talking. As normal I listened to what was on the TV while making sure to throw out the occasional “uh-huh”, “yep” and “that makes sense” to play off that I was hearing what he said. At some point he stopped talking, took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. We’d been sitting together for about 5 minutes but it felt like 50. :) After putting his glasses back on he hit the mute button and letting out a loud yelp while folding up his recliner he leaned forward his eyes focused on the floor in front of him. I knew something was different, this wasn’t sounding like the normal conversation with grandpa.
After thanking me profusely for all the help I’d given he and grandma, and expressing his love and hope for me, he then expressed concern for the coming economic and political climate. In all sincerity and concern, he said that I needed to watch the future carefully because the “Gadiantions” had taken over the government years ago and we’d entered the time where the tyranny would reach deeper than history had ever seen. He was deeply concerned for the future of me and all his grandchildren. These wern't just words, it was an honest deep felt concern. In a moment of reflection He indicated that he had lived during a time of economic uncertainty but that it was nothing compared to the even greater depression that was still to come. He also talked about living in a literal hell during the war while describing the scenes of total destruction and the smell of death that was all around. That too he said was only a small taste of what he feared his grandchildren would experience. I don’t think I grasped what he was really trying to say, besides, in my little world of the late 90’s the world was mine and the future only looked bright, surly grandpa’s concern was just a reaction of whatever had just been broadcast on CSPAN earlier that day. Trying to convince myself that grandpa had lost his mind with all his rhetoric, deep down I was worried that he might actually be right. What I couldn’t quit thinking about was how he kept saying the gadiantons were already in control and will soon run everything and I needed to be aware of their actions.
During and after that conversation I apparently didn’t have the wherewithal to ask “who are the gadiantons and what are they really about?” The years after grandpa’s death I realized that I should have asked, but since I didn’t it was time to figure out who and what these people are; but were to start?
After facing the complete injustice of the family court system, and learning first hand its main purpose, its mission statement if it were to be posted: “To destroy any remaining pieces of a family, ensuring the maximum absence of the father, placing him in a state of complete financial ruin and the mother in a full socialistic welfare state.” This reality drove my inquiry as to who and why this so called Constitutional Republic government set up to give freedom and librty to ALL had failed me and so many others. This lead me to the “gadiantons” of whom grandpa spoke. Though I won’t complete a full discourse of it here, in part because it’s deep and there is much, most of it so unbelievable you’d probably think I’m making it up. So let me share with you a few things that show the “gadiantons” or whatever you want to call them are in fact hiding in plain sight. Oh, and to answer the question I never asked grandpa, we can call these people the “Illuminati”, though their influence has completely infiltrated every facet of life. News, government (the main vehicle), the military industrial complex, media, Hollywood and more, forcing us to believe the world is what we see on the “telescreen”. In fact we’ve all walked right past their evil signs and symbols at least a couple of times, probably unknowingly.
Yes its true, whether you choose to believe it or not, there is a dark shadowy draconian force working to pilfer liberty and freedom from your life, replacing it with control and slavery. Most conspiracy fact finders will tell you that the Illuminati with its many layers are working to enforce a complete control grid where every facet of your life will be under direction of the state. Don’t believe it? Wonder what that looks like? Study the Nazi regime and the tyranny they dealt to humanity and you’ll have just a small insight to what it’s all about. Oh, and I’m not just talking what happened to the Jews, what about Hitler’s brown shirts and youth brigades? You either served the system or died by it. Yes it’s happening here too, more and faster than you know and unless you know what it’s about you will, unknowingly become a part of it and serve it. I side with Patrick Henry who proclaimed, "give me liberty or give me death!" All evil is made to look reasonable on the surface.
Sadly, when sharing this information with a majority of Christian believers they insist that “the 2nd Coming will save us” or “we’ll all be raptured out of the evil.” Unfortunately, if this was true the evil that this earth has seen would have already triggered such events. It should then be concluded that such event will not happen until the depth of evil goes beyond our comprehension. Until then it is our duty to stop sucking our thumbs, not bury our heads in the sand, and stand up to it while we still can. The 2nd (peaceful) American revolution is beginning and we all need to be an informed force against the corruption.
Okay, so all that to show you that I’ve been on the trail of the Illuminati, in part to show you what I already know, and that it’s real....

Ok those were just the highlights of DIA, take a look next time your are there. What you won't see on the 53 square miles of airport property is the tens of thousands of square feet below the surface. Its rumored to be for government fallout, incarsaration, and who knows what else.
A couple weeks later I was in Georgia, it was a nice day so I took a drive. In the self-proclaimed "Granite Capital," Elberton County, on a small hill in the middle of the country side stands the "American Stonehendge" also known as the Gerogia Guidestones.

Posted by noremac40 at 6:01 PM 3 comments