Friday, December 24, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Riley entertains Papa
With Matthew out of town we've had opportunity to see Riley more often since he needed "qualified" baby sitters. Nana and Papa got him on Tues. and Papa had him all alone on Thurs. That's when Papa pulled out the camera and we had lot's of adventures.
Posted by Doug at 3:41 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Just so you all know, I started a blog concerning Tiffany's current treatments and status. There were many people that wanted updates and so we opted to start a blog just for her.
Go to
Thank you all for your prayers! We feel them.
Posted by FRED aka Nathan at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Savannah & Abigal's Thanksgiving

Such a girl. Uncle Matt was using the bathroom at this time, after finding the door locked Savannah came in the to front room with had on hip saying, "Dad, isn't there another mirror around here?" She laughed when I pointed to the one in the kitchen, she then moved a chair in place, climbed up and began to apply her "make-up." When she was done she flipped her hair back saying, "there, now I look pretty for church!" Abigail of course had to do the same thing.

Posted by noremac40 at 11:43 AM 1 comments
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Thanksgiving videos
I went with Cameron to pick up his girls just before Thanksgiving. We had a fun visit with Grandma Miller and the new liveins - Mary and Marty Nielsen for a couple of day before returning with the cute ladies for a Colorado Thanksgiving. See the fun:
Posted by Doug at 8:03 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Carrots anyone?
Well, it looks like our first winter storm is rolling in later today, so I finished the garden harvest.
All that was left were the carrots and was I surprised when some giants and snaky carrots came out of the ground. The long, snake like ones tasted OK but the big ones had an alien flavor and were rather fibrous.
Anyone want some? They'll be around for awhile. The two little carrots on the right are some normal ones about 5"-6" long to give a size comparison.
Posted by Doug at 12:05 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
Visit to Alamagordo
For the baby shower! |
Halloween treats (candied apples) for the office. |
On the way home we stopped in at Carlsbad Caverns. This was the best cave we visited from all our "spelunking" this year .
Natural entrance to the cave - about 800 ft down. |
Posted by Doug at 1:13 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 27, 2010
Dibs adventures in China now COMPLETE!
- Arrival in and traveling around Shanghai.
- Buddhist scared mountain,porcelain capitol, crew fashion show.
- Hubei Provincial Museum in Wuhan, Yueyang Tower and gardens,
- Jingzhou: visiting the Viking Primary School
- Three Gorges Dam
- The Three Gorges and the Lesser Three Gorges area.
- Shibaozhai Pagoda, Snow Jade Cave, Panda bears at Chongqing
- In Xian: Tang Dynasty Show, Terracotta Warriors
- Great Wall, Beijing Opera, Tian'anmen Square, Forbidden City, Summer Palace.
Posted by Doug at 10:02 PM 1 comments
Riley comes to Nana and Papas for a belated birthday visit.
Matt and Christy dropped in with Riley last Saturday and we had some birthday fun with them. Here's some of that fun. Hope you enjoy as much as we did.
Fun with Riley!!!
Posted by Doug at 8:56 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 23, 2010
youtube links to China cruise video
The following are links to some very well done video of someone who took the trip to China earlier this year that we are now on . We enjoyed watching and think you may too - at least until we can do our own show for you.
1. Shanghai
2. Suzhou (silk factory), Nanjing, Mt. Jui Hua (a Buddhist Holy Mountain) and the Wuhan Museum
3. Yueyang Tower, Jingzhou and a visit to a school supported by Viking Cruise Lines.
4. Three Gorges, the Three Gorges Dam, the Doning River (Lesser Three Gorges) and the Shibaozhai Pagoda.
5. Fendu and the Snow Jade Cave, Chongquin and its zoo featuring Pandas.
6. The Great Wall and the Sacred Way of the Ming Tomb.
7. Beijing: Tianamen Square, Frobidden City, Sumer Palace
8. The Viking Century Sun, the hotels and the Cultural Fashion Show onboard
9. The Crew Talent Show aboard the Viking Century Sun riverboat.
Posted by Doug at 10:03 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Dibby's New Wardrobe!!!!!
nǐ hǎo (hello),
Hi all. Dibby wanted to share, but she does need some help with what she wants to say, so Nana is interrupting:
Nana & Papa started packing for China the other day so I decided I needed to pack too. Nana made me some new clothes just for China, and they are reversible, including a satin outfit just for the Chinese Opera (in case Nana, Papa and me go to it.)
I am so excited about our new adventure half way around the world and a whole day ahead of you all! Papa said that we probably won't be able to send very many pictures, but I will try to remind them to write things to you when they can. I'll bet you can't wait for my "report" when we get back!! Bye for now! Love, Dibs
Posted by Doug at 4:39 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Summiting Longs Peak

Posted by Matt at 12:29 PM 4 comments