I know Mom and Dad (and Dibby, of course) have e-mailed you all about my friend Sherry who is currently in the hospital. I ask that you all keep her in your prayers - she is my family and her family is my family when you guys aren't around.
Monday of this week she went in for a gall bladder removal surgery. She's had a stomach infection for the past few months, so we were excited for her to get this done as she has been in a lot of pain. After the surgery however, the infection got worse and they did another surgery on Wednesday afternoon and she was put in the ICU. Her mom texted me about it while I was at work, so I left early to go down to the American Fork Hospital to see her. She was conscious at the time and could hear you but couldn't talk. It was terrible to see her hooked up to so many machines with all kinds of tubes running in and out, someone my age especially shouldn't have to go through that. Well, they finally were able to give her some more pain medication after getting her blood pressure lowered, and nurses were coming and going this whole time, bringing in cooling blankets to get her temperature down and changing things. After a few hours, the surgeon came out into the hallway where I was with Laura Aguero, Sherry's mom. He began telling us that he believed she needed to be airlifted to the Utah Valley hospital in Provo where a kidney specialist was there who could keep an eye on her, that an ambulance would not be fast enough to transport her. He also said if they couldn't get her stabilized that she would not make it, and so they needed to prep her for transport immediately.
The next hour was very hard. There were some family friends there thank goodness, and the nurses were very understanding and helpful. We were all crying as we watched them get her ready, and then as they took her to the helicopter we all went out to the parking lot to go down to Provo. I took all of Sherry's belongings with me and as I was getting into my car, I watched as they put her into the helicopter and get ready for take-off.
When I arrived at the hospital, she was already in her room in the ICU. So many friends and family were in the waiting room, waiting to hear something as they were setting her up. Finally, her family was allowed to go in and see her. After another hour went by, her dad and brother came back to tell us that her kidneys were failing and that they could not put her on dialysis because now her blood pressure was too low, so they had to just watch her and take it hour by hour. We all kneeled together to pray for her, and we filled the entire waiting room - it was an amazing thing to see and to feel.
I went down after work again last night, even though only family is allowed to see her right now because she is in such critical condition. As of right now, her kidneys have gotten worse so she is on dialysis again, but overall she is getting better.
This whole experience has changed me, the way I look at things and the way I look at life. Anything can change in an instant, and while we all know this in saying, you don't know the reality until it actually DOES change in an instant. She and I went out dancing Saturday night like we usually do, and ended up at Denny's talking until four in the morning. She was happy and everything seemed fine, and not even a week later she is just hanging on...
I want you all to know how much I love you. I appreciate you, I am blessed to have you as my family. I am grateful to you, for your impact on me and my life and for the many, many things you do for me. My strengths are built upon the things you have taught me through your love and examples. I don't ever want to worry that I never let you all know that.
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers, they are helping and working. While things are still rough, I know she is getting better and I know she will get better.
Love you all.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Prayers for Sherry
Posted by Carrie at 1:39 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Fall In Oak-a-homa! (and Colorado too!)
Being silly!
Conked smooth out! Sooo much fun, never enough time...
Posted by noremac40 at 7:56 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
Vegas Ragnar Relay 2009
Pics and the more detailed run-down to follow...but had to announce that my relay team finished 16th OVERALL out of 182 teams and we were 5th in our Division! Wasn't cause of me we were so fast but hey, not too shabby for being sick and still running! :)
Also, this was my last race of the year. Bet you are all excited to not hear about running for awhile...until next year, of course. Tee hee. :)
Posted by Carrie at 1:20 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Made it to DIA
Good morns,
Uncle Matt got Nana and Papa and me to DIA this morning in the rain. We're waiting for our first flight to Atlanta and found that we could connect to the internet, so we'll log in to let you see what's up.
They just moved our gate and Papa can't seem to get the picture to get posted, so you may just have to imagine where we are. Papa's trying once more.
Posted by Doug at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Finally, I'm ready to go!!!
Just in the nick of time I finally got my name and even the passport. Hard to believe those government types can move that fast. Whew!!!
And Nana helped me pack my bag so I'm already with passport in hand and I can leave tomorrow morning with Nana and Papa. Oh!, I almost forgot, my name is Dibbi (or I really like it if you call me Dibs for short). Tot ziens(Dutch), Auf Wiedersehen (German), Viszlát (Hungarian) - or as they say it locally "Goodbye", see you soon. We'll let you know as soon as we can after we arrive in Amsterdam. :) If you click on the pictures they will get bigger and you can read my passport.
Luv U,
Posted by Doug at 7:42 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
URGENT!!! Name the bear continued....
It's beautiful today here in Colorful Colorado but I'm getting so anxious to go to Europe with Nana and Papa that it already feels like I'm flying.
But I just got word that they won't let me fly on the plane if I don't have a name and a passport, so please, please vote on the following names - selected from a hat by Nana (is that Nana Bear?)
1) Dibby
2) MLE (short for Emily)
3) Fuzzi (we need short names for email efficiency, so left out the Fraulein)
New possibilities just arrived and were picked out of Nana Bear's hat -- so don't leave them out of the vote...
4) Sophi
5) Sharli
6) Babsi
Thanks to all those who submitted names.
P.S. In the event we don't get enough votes or there is a tie by Wednesday evening Papa will make the final decision. So please everyone hurry and vote (one vote to a customer) and DON'T leave me in Papa's hands to choose my name - Grrrrrr.

Posted by Doug at 12:27 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
Must be Monday
Before leaving for work, I poured myself some cranberry juice into a water bottle to take on the way and managed to splash some on my shirt...had to change shirt quickly then ran out the door...running late, got stuck behind woman driving 2 mph out of the neighborhood...hit every single red light on way to work...was five minutes late to work...went home for lunch, heated up can of soup to eat...took soup out of microwave to stir...upon stirrage, soup proceeded to blow up in face, on (clean) shirt, and rest of kitchen...as I cleaned off soup bits from shirt, dog proceeded to clean up soup bits from kitchen floor...put shirt in dryer, came out of laundry room to find dog throwing up soup remains...
...despite everything, I had to laugh about it.
Happy Monday! :)
Posted by Carrie at 3:57 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Name the bear
Posted by Marti at 7:49 PM 3 comments