As you all know by now, I finally got what I've been waiting years and years to have. I've been planning on getting a puppy for a long time, and while I was planning to find that special little companion later in the year, it happened sooner than I thought. It was something that I even prayed about, that I would find the right companion, because while some of you may not see it the way I do, it was something important to me.
After just a few days with 6 week old Mia (pronounced Mee-ya) she's perfect. She has the sweetest little temperament and tender heart, but will also act as though she is fierce and fiesty (after she's had a nice long nap). :)
She goes everywhere with me except for work, in which I come to see her and play with her and make sure she's eating enough and clean up whatever messes she ends up making. She's teeny tiny, I just found out at the vet today that she weighs just a few ounces over two pounds. Her mom and dad are no more than 5 lbs each, so she'll stay pretty little. I call her a Chidoxie - Chihuahua/Dachsund mix. Ironically enough, I've liked certain characteristics in both breeds, but haven't found one that I felt drawn to like I did with little Mia: she's got the best of both worlds!
She follows me everywhere. If I am getting ready for work in the bathroom, she's playing near my feet. If I walk down the hall to the kitchen, she scurries on her tiny paws, skidding across the floor, until she catches up to me. She knew her name within a few hours of me deciding what to call her. Even now, as I'm writing this, she made her way into my lap, curled up with her head resting on my arm. She's my wittle baby! She loves to sleep, run under the couch and ottoman and jump out from underneath as if to surprise me, play with her toys, and above all, she's a snuggler!
And yes...I've lost sleep getting up in the night to take her out, she's had accident after accident in the house...but she's learning fast, and doing better day by day. And yes, she's work. But I love every minute of it.
I brought her up to Nathan's today to visit the kids, and she didn't have one accident in the house. I was so proud! :) Emma loved her lots, and Logan wasn't as afraid of her as he is with most dogs (as I've heard). Even Porter cracked a smile when Mia was near enough for him to pet. A baby and a puppy? What's cuter than THAT?? :)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
The first addition to MY family...
Posted by Carrie at 9:38 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
New Job :)
Posted by Carrie at 10:09 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I've been offered a job at another mortgage company, and it will give me the potential to learn and grow within the industry...which is what I've been wanting for a long time.
I just want to make sure it's the right fit, and the right place for this time in my life.
Thanks mucho! Love you all!
Posted by Carrie at 1:55 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Abigail's 1st Birthday

Posted by noremac40 at 9:24 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
I Suppose...
....I ought to post as well, seeing as how I was the one that got after everyone else for not keeping up to date. :)
My trip to Arizona a few weeks ago was fantastic! Even though I wasn't really trained and ready for just the 13.1 miles, I did manage to cross the finish line (definitely NOT in record time, but I appreciated Dallin's comment on Darcey's post of the 1/2 Marathon...tee hee!) Darcey and I had all kinds of fun, eating out, taking silly pics, exploring Arizona, and chillaxin' at her place. The weather made me jealous - we laid out by the pool in the warm sun the day I had to fly back to polluted air and snow covered ground. *sigh* I considered selling my place and moving down there. Darn recession! :)
This weekend I was lucky enough to see Abigail and Savannah. Happy 1st Birthday to Miss Abigail on Saturday! They are both as sweet and fun as ever! Cameron flew in Saturday morning and we made our way up to Logan, and met the girls at Grandma's. I had to come back last night (through a blizzard in Sardine and foggy, rainy roads most of the rest of the way...I am ready for Spring!!) because I was out of work for three days last week from being sick, so I couldn't take another day off so soon. Cameron will be coming back down tonight and hanging out with me so I can take him back to the airport first thing Tuesday morning. These visits are very short, but it's nice in some ways because at least I get to see him and the girls often.
Other than being sick and Cameron's visit, not too much else is going on. I did get my new phone in the mail today, so I am excited about that. A sleek pink Samsung Instinct. Learning how to use it will help the day go by faster at work today! :)
Anyway, I love you all and have been glad to read up on what's going on in your lives.
Hug, hug, kiss, kiss, SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!!! ;)
Posted by Carrie at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Syracuse Slackers -No More
Everybody here is doing good. Nathan is busy with work and church and planning commission. I keep busy with the kids. The kids keep busy just being busy cuz that's what kids do. :0) The kids have been off track from school for the last 3 weeks and go back today. yea! We are all excited. It was kind of a long 3 weeks with the a couple of weeks of inversion haze, so the kids had to hang out inside a lot of the time. It is snowing right this moment with about 2-3 inches on the ground - a reminder that it's still winter - but I'll take the snow rather than the haze any day.

Dallin has been playing Jr. Jazz basketball and is getting better with every game. He loves scouts. He is still taking piano lessons. Nathan has his cell phone alarm set to "The Entertainer" and after Dallin heard it he wanted to learn it, so for a while he would play it by ear. I found him some sheet music, so he is working on a page every week with his piano teacher and soon I know he'll have it down. He has picked up the Narnia series and is blowing through book every 2 days or so. His main interest of Star Wars has kind of fizzled for now and has been replaced by anything wii. We love how he comes to us everyday and says,"What is my work for the day?" "Look I'm dressed and ready." "I practiced piano without anyone asking me!" "Now can I play the Wii?" Happy to give him a little wii time everyday if this keeps up. :0)

Emma is a social bug. She always has a friend over, or is over at a friend's house, or is asking to to play with a friend. I think she needs a sister. (Don't worry Nathan. I don't mean right away.) :0) She loves kindergarten and has really gotten confident in her art work. She loves her baby brother and thinks he's hilarious. She's going to be a great babysitter some day. (She already is.)
Logan keeps us rolling all the time. He is such a little monkey. He is going to Joy School twice a week and every day asks, "Do I have school today?" He is so funny. Last night I said something at the dinner table and Nathan turned to Logan and said, in chinese, something to the effect of "Your Mama is crazy" without a beat, Logan responded, "Chung." He loves to follow his big brother and sister around and loves any wii time he can get.
Porter is growing like crazy. It seems that since we were in Colorado for Thanksgiving, he just has matured and has realized what life is all about. He was pretty laid back for a good while, but suddenly he has turned into a boy with a temper and a 'tude. He's going through the,"I want my Mama, now!" stage and screams until he gets his way. I've tried for a long time to get him to crawl, but every time I put him on his belly, he struggles for a sec, and then puts his head down in defeat and cries. He finally is at least is trying to move. The kids like to place a trail of cheerios on the floor in front of him , and he kind of pulls himself along on his belly. His walker is his favorite mode of transportation, (which is probably why he has little patience for trying to crawl), and Logan loves to take rides on the back. He likes to entertain us at the dinner table by pulling all sorts of silly faces.

"I brought my angry eyes, just in case."
silly "Ohhhh" face
His babblings include ,"Mama!" especially when he's mad, "Yes" which we think means, "light" and "Na na na na," - also when he is mad.
Anyways, that's what's going on here. Hope all is well for you all!
Posted by spiffytiffy at 6:43 AM 4 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Just me
Hey all. I'm not very good at this, but we all need to do our part to keep this baby alive.
I guess I assume everyone knows what is happening with mom & dad, (since not much happens) but then again, we need to be a part of this too.
You all probably know this stuff, but just for the record, I'm teaching again, full time, second grade. Hey Dallin, we are doing it together again! Seems I've got a lot more to learn in second grade. Also, it looks like I'll be doing it to the end of the year. Not what I'd really like to do, but one does what one can, and I do what I do. Mary Swafford, mother of Michael & Alisha Moderhak for those of you who may know them, was diagnosed with cancer and will be undergoing treatments through May. So that's what's up. I'm almost done with parent-teacher conferences, then it's report-card time. I fell into the middle of it all and am just trying to keep up.
So I will hope you may forgive me being a bit out of it - at least I've got a little excuse this time! ;-)
Dad just returned from a snow-shoeing hut trip. Had a good time. Maybe he will post pics?! And next month, he is off to Nepal, again, for about 2 1/2 weeks.
Posted by Marti at 10:47 AM 3 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
I'm Here!!!
Yes I am still here, though I really didn't have much to say. Well, I do have a bit of news, I think most of you already read it but for those who didn't here it is. This past monday I got an e-mail from the FAA with a tenative job offer to work at the Denver ARTCC (Air Route Traffic Control Center) in Longmont as an Air Traffic Control Specialist (ATCS). I'm in the process of turning in paper work and waiting for them to call me. i beleive that if I pass the interview, then they'll give me the forms for the medical and security check then I'll begin my road to OK City for extensive training. Thanks for all your support!!!!
Posted by Matt at 6:16 AM 4 comments