Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Estes Park or Bust!
Me & Mom eatting lunch--Mexican Yumm!!
Holy Crap Batman--the mexican has already kicked in!
Checking out the Big Thompson Flud up Thompson Canyon. On July 31 1976--the night after I turned 7 months, this canyon was flooded and killed 150 people. This little park up the canyon is a reminder of the worst natural disaster in Colorado History. The 2nd largest Natural Disaster happend on December 30, 1975, and still seems to flood the Earth in so many different ways.
Playing at the Playground--some kids never grow up!
Supaman--What more needs to be said?
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird, It's a Plane it's, it's, it's Superman--standing in the middle of the the River!
Kids, don't try this at home! Or in the middle of a freezing cold rushing Colorado River in the middle of March! I was getting carried away--not by the current, thank heavens. =)
Posted by noremac40 at 7:19 PM 3 comments
Back to Colorado!
Reliving some of the good old days--Cam at Haystack Mountain--One of the most fun dates I went on as a teenager was at the top of this Mountain, er-ah, Hill. Ask me about it some time!!! Cam and the old house--this is where I grew up! It seems smaller than I remember.
My buddy Chris from Oklahoma--needed a break from life so met me in Denver and came to hang out for a weekend!!!
Posted by noremac40 at 7:08 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I don't know how I did it
Well, I took my AT-SAT test this past monday. After I finished I felt like I didn't do nearly as good as I should have. I thought I might have barely passed. But just today I got my test results back online, and I got a 93.3%!!! How did I? I have no clue, who knows it might be a mistake. Hopefully it wasn't but so far it looks pretty good to get into ATC. Once I get my official letter in the mail it'll be solid. Thanks ya'll for your prays!
Posted by Matt at 8:49 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
For Carrie
Posted by Darcey at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Puppies. Yes. Puppies.
If I am to ever get into a house in the somewhat near future, and if that house has a yard, that is reason enough for me to start my little family. Here are a few pictures of some puppies/dogs I would consider. It's tough, because I like the little dogs since they are so dang cute and they always look like puppies, but then they can't go running with me like bigger dogs. Hmmm...tough decision, I know. FYI: The last two are my most favoritist. Yes. Favoritist.
*DISCLAIMER* This is just for fun, okie dokie folks? Cause I KNOW some of you are gonna make unnecessary comments. Please hold them until further notice and puppy-shopping is an actuality. Thank you. :)
Posted by Carrie at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008

On Thursday I got a haircut and highlights. My Bishop's daughter is working at a new salon and had to put together a portfolio . She went to the same hair school that I used to go to for haircuts when I lived in Provo! Small world. My point is that the haircut was free because she's doing her portfolio and the highlights were only $20. Too bad I can't get that deal every time! Here are some lame pics I took of myself. I can't really tell you I got a haircut and not show you, that'd be dumb.
Posted by Darcey at 11:17 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Sewiously you guys...
How BORING are all your lives that you have NOTHING to write about on the familia blog?!? I mean, really. I know we're all busy but I would bet that we aren't more busy NOW than we were when we started this thing. Right? Right.
Well, I got a text message from Miss Darcey yesterday asking me what I wanted for my birthday. So after much thought and consideration, I have a small list of things I would like and have prepared such with all of you in mind to help ease the stress of coming up with something fantastic all on your own:
*Round-trip airfare to Kaua'i so I can visit my island family.
*A new iPod - because my current one has gotten so much love over all the years, it's losing juice and won't last me through the next marathon (I know, maybe I should train harder so it only takes me two and a half hours to run instead of five...)
*Money for a down-payment on a house or condo.
*Giftcards to go on shopping sprees.
*An airplane ticket to South Bend, IN for September 13-16th (or so) for the Lake City Marathon.
*A Dell Inspiron Laptop (pink or green, please) so when I start school in May I have a handy portable study tool.
That's really all I could come up with. Yes. That's it. ;)
Okay, okay....I'm just kidding. We aren't all millionaires yet, but when we are, keep this list handy. I will love you forever. Even though I already do. Mwah!
Hugs, loves, and kisses!
Posted by Carrie at 2:33 PM 3 comments